Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Summer Love for the Sub

Sunday, 11 July 2010
Guitar Lust... I mean, Love of course.

Sunday, 4 July 2010
I hate myself and want to have revenge on Seattle

Even knowing that every moment of forever I will love and cherish Nirvana and Kurt Cobain, there is no way in the world that anybody- myself included- will begin to understand the actual music technicality of Nirvana. How did Kurt write songs for a generation? How do we even begin to understand what any of the songs dark depths and actual meanings are? This is something that is starting to seriously evoke curiosity based on a post I read on the ‘Nirvana Formula’ on a pop theory website about song-writing. To even begin to understand is quite difficult but to question if this sculpturing that happened was on purpose or just the genius’ subconscious mind working is another thing. It talks of all the technical stuff, about how many of the chord transitions Kurt works are Minor 3rds and how the basis of his songwriting relies so much on supertonics. If you listen to the little extracts and read the post here:
You may even start to understand a song writing world of a true genius. Kurt Cobain may have just fooled everyone with his way of music.
But to the interesting thing. Some see a description of patterns in songs and tastes in rock stars’ choices of power chords overly confusing, but with a visionary aid, I may seem to prove my point better.
I stumbled across this lovely thing by complete accident, and it filled me with complete joy. Maybe Kurt Cobain is just like any other song writer, not of ‘rock royalty’ or whatever, but paired with this complete formulaic love of power chords (mostly because they’re easy and it’s straight there, straight back) and his gorgeous voice, it was gonna happen that some die-hard fan is going to listen to these songs so much she does start to see similarities.
Check these two songs out. The choruses are particularly things to focus on. This world of his is clever, eh?
‘I Hate Myself and Want to Die’ is a song they specifically recorded for Beavis and Butthead- true 90’s cartoon heroes – and was going to be the title of Nirvana’s 3rd album for years, until others suggested to Kurt that perhaps it was a bit too bleak.
‘Frances Farmer will have her Revenge on Seattle’ is from In Utero, and it is one of Nirvana’s hidden gems of that particular discography.