Saturday, 20 November 2010

Brody is Beautiful.

It's been a long 2 months. I apologize for my shocking lack of any good writing in these 8 weeks. I would tell you the whole sheer ridiculousness of my so-called life, but this is a music blog, so I shall write for purely musical purposes.

Apart from anything else, I have found many new musical loves that are not quite a decade old. Success! Something, well, perhaps seemingly recent. I have my Grade 6 Pop Theory exam in a week or so, and although I have been working hard on my series of never-ending essays on Elvis Costello and the Velvet Underground, all this punk talk really has got me thinking.

Ever heard of The Distillers? Of course you have. You must have. Frontwoman Brody Dalle is more known for her stunning looks, gneuine Punk Rock ethos and her mohicans back in the era of 2002, the millenium was there and we had all that post-punk boy band crap, but the Distillers were where it was at! Yes, Blink were good and stuff, but Brody Dalle is like the female equivalent and another Heroine to all those chicks that are stuck in America waiting a new music revolution. I'd never heard of her before, and now I feel all the wiser for knowing. The Distillers always come up in the recommendations and on Hole Radio on, but they're different. She has the ability to be Courtney Love's daughter, but in reality she's like Joan Jett mixed with Patti Smith with bee stung lips and a truck load of tattoes. Maybe not the best influence, but at least she doesn't do drugs knowingly, only a nicotine and alcohol addict. How else would she gain a voice like that? My blog does not condone use of these social drugs to sound like Brody Dalle.

The voice, her voice. Take a listen... This is probably my favourite Distillers song of the moment, and it will definitely remind anyone of that late-90's Los Angeles obsession. Many good Punk bands come from that era, but at the moment, California acts as a great place to start a band! Brody's voice is one of the best things I have ever heard come from a person with the X chromosomes. She's as tough as steel...

Unfortunately, she's not like this anymore. She's lost this completely unique voice, The Distillers split up 4 years ago, obviously not built for the modern century with all the shit that comes with it. Yeah, sure she should have stuck with it, but she grew up, I guess. Courtney Love did, and those who didn't died with their rock and roll ethos still placed in their hearts. She married Josh Homme of Queens of The Stone Age, and they had a baby girl. She formed Spinerette, and completely changed her image. She is now a mother, after all.

People change, of course they do. Musically, and in other ways. They change. Full stop.
cally. That's the moral for this month, guys!
And I'll leave you with a quote from the lady herself:
"Boys don't like it when you play with their toys. Especially when you do it better"
Peace, Love & Empathy
(it lives indeed)

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